Draft Agenda for first meeting

Agenda for kickoff meeting:  May 9, 12:00 PM – 2PM at the DEC   (Dublin Entrepreneurial Center (DEC)  –  http://www.decindublin.com/  – 565 Metro Place South, Dublin, Ohio 43017)

  • Introductions – Organizers and Attendees
  • Overview of COHIT Forum
  • Identify interests and needs of community – what do people want? 10 minute discussion.
  • Open Forum for Announcements:
  1.  Any startup company can offer a 1 – 8 minute ‘ad hoc presentation’ (not a sales pitch) on their company/organization:     Who, What, Why, How, Where, When, etc.  – (No slides – just talk about what problems you are solving, your solutions, state of the business, etc.)
  2. What are you looking for? How can the COHIT Forum help?
  3. What might you contribute to the startup Healthcare IT community? (not required)
  4. Q&A and Discussion 2-5 minutes each
  •  There will be two 15 minute networking breaks during the event
  • Closing comments and Next Steps for COHIT Forum